uhub — packages for Debian GNU/Linux and Ubuntu

Created: 2011-09-27

Updated: 2015-08-27


This is a free translation of my notes and it may differ from original.

uhub is a high performance peer-to-peer hub for the ADC network. Its low memory footprint allows it to handle several thousand users on high-end servers, or a small private hub on embedded hardware.

uhub uses the Advanced Direct Connect protocol, and is compatible with DC++, LinuxDC++, EiskaltDC++ and other ADC clients.

Key features:
* High performance and low memory usage.
* Support of IPv4 and IPv6.
* Support of SSL/TLS (optional).
* Advanced access control support.
* Easy configuration.

Last stable release version: 0.5.0 (2014-11-17), see changelog for more details.

Activity in the project: network graphic, commits in master branch

deb packages:
Packages can be downloaded here. They are suitable for Debian GNU/Linux >= 7.0 (Wheezy) and for Ubuntu >= 12.04 (Precise Pangolin). Sources are also available ibid.

Adding this PPA in Debian GNU/Linux Wheezy:
sudo add-apt-repository -y 'deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/tehnick/tehnick/ubuntu precise main'
Adding this PPA in Debian GNU/Linux Jessie:
sudo add-apt-repository -y 'deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/tehnick/tehnick/ubuntu trusty main'
Adding this PPA in Debian GNU/Linux Stretch:
sudo add-apt-repository -y 'deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/tehnick/tehnick/ubuntu vivid main'
Adding this PPA in Debian GNU/Linux Sid:
sudo add-apt-repository -y 'deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/tehnick/tehnick/ubuntu vivid main'
Adding this PPA in Ubuntu >= 12.04 (Precise Pangolin):
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tehnick/tehnick
Updating the list of available packages:
sudo apt-get update
Installing uhub:
sudo apt-get install -V uhub
Or you can install uhub-unstable (daily builds):
sudo apt-get install -V uhub-unstable
uhub-unstable package is updated automatically from git repository of program. Script for update is something like that.

Bug reports in the deb-packages you can send to me. Bug reports and feature request to the program you may leave here.

Now uhub package is available in official Debian >= 7.0 (Wheezy) and Ubuntu >= 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) repositories.
External links:
uhub – Documentation

License: Public Domain (en)
Note: All materials presented here can be used in part or in whole without reference to the author (me) and the original page.

Tehnick © 2009-2016